USDAC blogs and press coverage, Heating Up: Artists Respond to Climate Change


I’m excited to share the following links that comprise the coverage of our collaborative project, Heating Up: Artists Respond to Climate Change. These include blogs on the USDAC website, and local press coverage:


Blog 1: Heating Up: Artists Respond to Climate Change: A series of cultural and educational events in Lawrence, Kansas, Part one

Blog II: Systematically Organic: An Interview with Sara Taliaferro, Part two of Heating Up: Artists Respond to Climate Change

Blog III: Many Thanks: Part three of Heating Up: Artists Respond to Climate Change


Press coverage:

Lawrence Journal World, “Talk about climate change ‘heats up’ with Percolator exhibit”

Indian Leader, “Haskell artists “heat up” community climate change event”

Topeka Capital Journal, “Artists seek to spark dialogue with exhibit exploring climate change”

Art and Conversation


Humming Bird (Bustin' Out) (available)

Humming Bird (Bustin' Out) (available)

I made this mosaic in the Art and Conversation class that I co-led for women survivors of sexual violence, at GaDuGi SafeCenter. In this project, each participant created a 6-inch ceramic tile painted to represent a painful experience.  We each, then, broke our tile and used it to create something new — an element in a mosaic.